About Us

Who We Are

Nourish & Thrive is a 501 c3 non profit that focuses on breastfeeding equity for Black birthing people. It is proven that breast milk is not only optimal for babies, but for mothers/birthing people as well. Breastmilk helps to keep babies growing and healthy; it is also linked to lower rates of certain types of diabetes, SIDS, asthma, and obesity. Likewise breastfeeding/chestfeeding health benefits for birthing parents are just as great, and include lower risk of Type 2 diabetes, certain types of breast cancer, and ovarian cancer. 

With all that we know about breast milk, it’s not surprising that the rates for breastfeeding have increased tremendously in the United States. Unfortunately that growth does not include Black Americans. For many reasons including less access to lactation support, mistreatment by health professionals, and negative cultural attitudes and ideologies toward breastfeeding both publicly and privately. It is our goal to make sure that Black parents and babies have access to support, both clinical and from their community to have a successful breastfeeding journey.

We strive to change the narrative by targeting three (3) areas in hopes to affect change